It is that time of year again. You can hear the birds sing and the see the flowers blooming. It is a great time of new beginnings. Enjoy the nicer weather and these fun songs.
Spring is All Around Me (The Wheels on the Bus)
Above my head I see the sun, see the sun, see the sun.
Above my head I see the sun. Spring is all around me.
Below my feet I see the grass...
Above my head I see a bird...
Below my feet I see a bug....
Above my head I see a cloud...
Below my feet I see a worm....
Teaching Ideas:
1. Brainstorm with the kids about what things you see in spring that would be above your head and below your feet.
2. Ask the children to use their hands to point to where you see these signs of spring. A bird (the children would point up) The grass (The children would point down)
Spring Time Sung to: "Did you Ever see a Lassie?"
My- eyes can see it's spring-time, it's spring-time, it's spring-time.
my- eyes can see it's spring-time, the grass is so green!
The green grass, the flowers, the sunshine and showers
My- eyes can see it's spring-time and I am so glad.
My-ears can hear it's spring time, it's spring time, it's spring time.
My- ears can hear it's spring-time, the birds sweetly sing.
The birds sing, the lambs bleat, the frogs croak, the bees buzz.
My- ears can hear it's spring time, and I am so glad.
My-body can feel's it's spring time, it's spring time, it's spring time.
My-body can feel its spring time, the air is so warm.
The warm air, the breez-es, no frost and no freez-es.
My- body can feel it's spring time, and I am so glad!
My nose can smell it's spring time, it's spring time, it's spring time.
My nose can smell it's spring time, the flowers smell sweet
The green grass, the flowers, the barnyard, the showers
My nose can smell it's spring time, the flowers smell so sweet.
Teaching Ideas:
1. Discuss the five senses
2. Name things you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell in springtime.
Marching into Spring
March into spring one step at a time
March into spring with words that rhyme
Clap your hands together up high in the air
Look our for raindrops that land in your hair
Jump over puddles, Skip over ground
Walk back in your house and quietly sit down
Teaching Ideas:
1. Act out the poem.
2. Come up with words that rhyme with signs of spring: flower, bee, green
Daffodils fingerplay
One little daffodil had nothing much to do,
Out popped another one, then there were two.
Two little daffodils were smiling at a bee,
Out popped another one, then there were three.
Three little daffodils were growing by the door,
Out popped another one, then there were four.
Four little daffodils were glad to be alive,
Out popped another one, then there were five.
Five little daffodils were wearing golden crowns,
They danced in the breeze in green satin gowns.
Teaching Idea:
1. Have the children pretend to be the flowers, popping up2. Talk about what flowers need to grow.
Daffodils fingerplay Alternative Addition Version
One little daffodil smiling at a bee
Out popped two more and then there were three.
Three little daffodils were glad to be alive
Out popped another two more and then there were five.
Five little daffodils looking up toward heaven
Out popped another two more and then there were seven
Seven little daffodils growing in a line
Out popped another two more and then there were nine.
Nine little daffodils blowing in the wind
Pick them up and take them home and they can be your friends.
Version 2
Two little daffodil were growing by the door
Out popped two more and then there were four.
Four little daffodils were playing lots of tricks
Out popped another two more and then there were six.
Six little daffodils standing up straight
Out popped another two more and then there were eight
Eight little daffodils blowing in the wind
Out popped another two more and then there were ten.
Ten little daffodils blowing in the wind
Pick them up and take them home and they can be your friends.
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