Showing posts with label Keyboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keyboard. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Help the Bee Find His Key: Accidentals

Here is another worksheet to help student recognize accidentals.  I love using the bee finger puppet to play these notes.  I also stick these in a page protector and use a dry erase marker to mark the answer.  A great paper and printer saver!

Google Doc: Help the Bee Find the Key: Sharps
Help The Bee Find His Key Sharp Version

Google Doc: Help the Bee Find the Key: Flats

Help The Bee Find His Key Flat Version

Google Doc: Help the Bee Find His Key: Accidentals

Help The Bee Find His Key Accidental Version

Monday, March 21, 2011

Help the Bee Find His Key

Here is a fun worksheet to help beginner students with key recognition on the keyboard.  A fun idea is to have them make the buzzing sound as the draw the line.  I have a fun little bee finger puppet that the students use to find and play the keys and the keyboard.

Google Doc: Help the Bee Find His Key

Help The Bee Find His Key

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lucky Leprechaun Game with Keyboard Cards

Here is the same Lucky Leprechaun Game with Keyboard Cards.  I am having a lot of fun playing this game.  The kids enjoy seeing who has the Leprechaun at the end.

Goggle Docs: Shamrock Keyboard Cards
Shamrock Keyboard Cards                                                                                           

1. The dealer shuffles the cards and deals out all the cards to the players. It doesn’t matter if they don’t come out evenly.
2. Each player picks up his cards and holds them so that other players cannot see them. Players may want to organize their cards so that like notes are together.
3. Next, players take out of their hands any pairs they have. For example, if a player has two A's, the player takes that pair out. All the pairs from all the players’ hands go into a pile, face down, in the center of the table. However, if a player has, for example, three C's, he can only put down the pair.  Depending on the level, pairs do not have to be the exact same note.  For instance you can have a Middle C and a Bass C be a pair.
4. The player to the left of the dealer (Joel) spreads out his hand, face down, on the table. The player to his left (Amy) picks up one of those cards. If she can make a pair by using that card, she removes the pair and puts it in the pile at the center of the table. Otherwise, Amy just keeps that card.
5. Now, Amy spreads her cards on the table, face down, so that the player to her left can pick up one card out of her hand.
6.  Play continues in this way. Eventually, one player will be left with card "The Lucky Leprechaun" and that players wins.  You can also see who has the most pairs and they can be the winner as well.

Can also be played with Shamrock Staff Cards
Shamrock Key Signature Cards

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Valentine Letter Game

In this Valentine Game, students pretend to mail letters or valentines out while matching staff cards to their letter name.

Take some envelopes and write a letter on it from A to G.  Pass out the Staff cards so that each student has an equal amount of cards.  Place the envelopes face down.  Turn over the first enevelope and whatever letter is on the envelope, is the one the student must place in the envelope to mail.  If they do not have a card that matches the letter, then they don't get to play.  The first student(s) to get rid of all their cards win. 

A fun idea I had was to put the notes on foam Valentine's.  I got these last year at a great discount after Valentine's Day.  Be on the look out and you may find a good deal on these as well.  I used my labels and stuck the notes on them.
As we played this game this week, we tried to think of exciting places that the letter was going to.  A for "Atlanta" or D for "Dallas."  You could even add these places to the envelope if you wanted.

You could also play this with keyboard cards, chord cards and key cards.



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tic Tac Toe Game for the Keyboard

Here is a Tic Tac Toe Board using the keyboard names.  Students pick an Alphabet card and place a chip/token on the correct note.  If they get three in a row they win.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wiggly Worm Game

Wiggly Worm Game: Students take turns 
Identifying the apple card.  If they identify it correctly
they get to keep the card.  When they draw a wiggly
worm card, they get to take a card from the another
player, but they must identify the card first.  If they 
cannot identify the card they must give it back.  
Play continues until all the card are gone.  Whoever
has the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tic Tac Toe Game for the Keyboard

Tic Tac Toe is a great way to review just about any concept!

I have flash cards of notes on the staff, chords, keys and keyboard names. Depending on the student's level I make a grid out of these cards.  3 x 3 like Tic Tac Toe.

Then I have a stack of drawing cards with the alphabet on them or the chord or key names.  The student draws a card and marks their board if they find the matching chord, key or note.  I usually have a game going for me or another student and we see who can get tic tac toe first.

After someone wins, I replace the marked cards with new cards so they can have some different material to work on.  The markers you use can be anything: bingo chips, candy, erasers or my favorite: Magic Notes

Look for my Tic Tac Toe Keyboard Game.