Friday, July 24, 2015

Guided Reading Level Up Freebie

Want to help your students succeed in their reading assessments?

I have been targeting key words and phrases used in the mclass TRC reading books for years to help my students feel confident and successful.

Many students have not been exposed to certain words before they are expected to read them.  With these books and resources, I ensure that the students have practiced these words with me and indepenently.

I have spent countless hours searching for books that targeted the exact words needed.  Now, I have books that target those words and phrases for me.

This packet is meant to supplement your guided reading program and give support to students who are struggling.   I went through and made a list of every word that appears in the assessment books.  Most are common sight words, but some are more complex words that I want to make sure the student has been exposed to.

Here is how I use the books.  
First you need to print and assemble the books.

You can have the student assemble the books or you 
can pre make them.  I have done both.  
It just depends on how much time you have.  
You cut around the solid lined boxes on the bottom.

If you want the students to put the book in order the same way each time, I suggest writing a number on each picture so they can put the book in the order easily.  
Ultimatley, the order does not matter except 
if you are choral reading together.

The picture without the Glue/Staple direction goes on top as the cover.  I find it easiest to staple.   When you are done you have a great book the student can use over and over again.  I kept this packet black and white to allow 
the students to color the pictures.

After the students feel confident reading them, 
I send them home for them to practice. 

The sight word worksheets coorelate with each word in the books.  After our guided reading lesson, the students complete the worksheets.  
Here are some examples:

For the scrambled sentences I dictate the sentence at first and the students put the words in order.  They practice writing the sentence and then read it to a friend.

I do the same thing in a group activity during guided reading with the “Fix it Sentences

I model how to mix it and fix the sentence I dictate.  You have several fun options with this activity!

Mix it Fix it Group Style:
Give each student one card and 
have them repeat the sentence.

They make the sentence together then read it.  
Mix them up and do it again.

Mis it Fix it Individual Style: 
Give each student the whole sentence and have them fix it and read it.  You will need multiple copies of the colored sentences.  There are multiple choices so 
students can have a variety of sentences:
“I am a butterfly”...........“I am a robot”.

 What is missing?

Put the cards out in order of the sentence but leave out one word.  Have the students figure out the missing word.  
What does that word start with?  
Can you write it with your finger on the table?  
Can you spell it?

These are great ways to ENGAGE your 
students into reading sight words.

You can then have them take their cards and write the sentence on a white board or paper and draw a picture.

Click below to get a sample of my packet to preview a book, worksheet and fix it sentences.

You can purchase the entire packet here on TPT!


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