Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Apple Songs

She’ll be coming round the mountain
She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes 
(YeeHaw) punch fist
She’ll be bringing big red apples when she comes 
(Oh ,boy) hands on face
She’ll be peeling big red apples when she comes 
(Ch, ch) brush hands together
She’ll be cooking big red apples when comes 
(Put em in a pot) pat legs
She’ll be making apple jelly when she comes 
(yum ,yum) rub tummy

Shake, shake the apple tree
Shake, shake the apple tree, apples red and rosy
Shake, shake the apple tree, apples red and rosy
Apples green and yummy
Apples yellow and sunny
Use shakers with this song
Five Red Apples Sung to: "This Old Man"
Way up high, in a tree (raise hands over head)
Five red apples smiled at me (smile)
So I shook that tree as har-r-d as I could (Pretend to shake tree)
Down came the apple, Ummm, it was good!!!! (Rub tummy)
Have students hold apples and countdown the apples as they fall
Five little apples
Five little apples hanging in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Slinky worm can't eat me,
Along comes Mr. Slinky worm quiet as can be...
He ate that apple right out of the tree.
Have students hold apples and countdown the apples as they fall

"1 little 2 little 3 little Apples"
(to the tune: 1 little 2 little 3 little Indians) 

1 little 2 little 3 little apples,
4 little 5 little 6 little apples,
7 little 8 little 9 little apples, on my apple tree.
Munch little, munch little, munch little apples
Crunch little, crunch little, crunch little apples
Bunch of little, bunch of little, bunch of little apples,
Good for you and me!
Count backwards

Apple Sauce (Sung to Peanut Butter and Jelly)
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum

First you take an apple
And you skin it You skin it
And you skin it

Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum

Then you take the apple
And you chop it You chop it
And you chop it

Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Then you take the apple

And you squish it You squish it
And you squish it

Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum

Then you take the sauce
And you eat it You eat it
And you eat it

Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Apple, Apple Sauce Yum
Five Red Apples
Five red apples hanging in a tree (Hold up five fingers)
The juiciest apples you ever did see.
The wind came by and gave an angry frown (Fingers flutter downward)
And one little apple came tumbling down (One finger falls)
Four red apples, hanging in a tree, etc.
All Around The Apple Tree Sung to: "Mulberry Bush"
Here we go round the apple tree, the apple tree, the apple tree
Here we go around the apple tree
On a frosty morning.
This is the way we climb the ladder
-pick the apples
-wash the apples
-peel the apples
-cook the apples
Ten Red Apples 
(Both hands high) Ten red apples grow on a tree
(Dangle one hand and then the other) Five for you and five for me.
(Shake body) Let us shake the tree just so
(Hands fall) And ten red apples will fall below
(Count ea. finger) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Apple On A Stick
Apple on a stick, apple on a stick
I can lick it all day and not get sick.
Apple in a cup, apple in a cup
I can drink it all day and not fill up.
Apple in a crunch, apple in a crunch
I can eat it all day, it is so good to munch
Apple in a cake, apple in a cake
I can eat it all day with no tummy ache
Apple in a pie, apple in a pie
I can eat it all day and never cry.
Apple in a dish, apple in a dish
I can eat it all day, it's so delish!
A Wiggly Worm  Sung to: "Boom! Boom! Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?"

Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?
Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?
Red and green and yellow, too…
Yum! Yum! Don't you know I love apples?

Verse 1
Way up high in an apple tree, I saw two eyes look at me.
I reached for an apple; it started to squirm…oops! I found a wiggly worm!

Verse 2
That wiggly worm is a friend of mine. We eat apples all the time.
I let him crawl back to that tree… hey! I see that worm looking at me!
Apple Sung to: "Bingo"

I know a fruit that grows on trees,
An apple is its name, oh!

A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
A. P. P. L. E.
An apple is its name, oh!

In summer and in early fall
It's time to pick an apple!

It may be sweet or may be tart,
It's red, or green, or yellow!

A McIntosh or Granny Smith,
A Winesap or Delicious!

Make applesauce or apple juice
Or apple pie with apples!

Take away a letter from the chorus each time, clapping instead of saying the letter:
 X P P L E,  X X P L E, X X X L E, X X X X E, X X X X X

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