Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Songs

Swimming in the sea  
Sung to: "Doo-wa diddy diddy"
There I was just swimming in the sea
Singing Dooo wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo
All the sudden there's a dolphin next to me
Singing doo wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo

She swam fast she swam fast
she dove deep she dove deep
she swam fast dove deep
Hey this dolphin's pretty neat!!
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy doo

Other verses:
Whale - breaching
Shark swimming
Mermaids plug nose and shimmy down
Teaching Ideas:
1. Use pictures to show students the different animals in the ocean
2. Do the hand jive: Pat Pat, clap, clap, hand over hand 2x, hand under hand 2x, fist pound 2x, switch hand on top for 2 more fist pounds, right thumb over shoulder, left thumb over shoulder.

Google Docs: Ocean Creatures 1

Google Docs: Ocean Creatures 2

Five Little Fishies in the Sea
Five little fishies in the sea  teasing Mr. sharky
You can't catch me  you can't catch me
Well along came Mr. sharky (softly) as quiet as can be 
He snapped! a fish up right out of the sea. 

Count down to 0
Teaching Ideas:
1. Have children pretend to be the fishes and one be Mr. Sharky and act out the song.  Other children can pretend to be the waves or other fish or sharks
2. Use a higher number and subtract two or three fishies each time for a math lesson

Google Docs: Five Little Fishes

Sea Gull song Sung to: "Frere Jacques"
I see sea gulls I see sea gulls,
At the beach, At the beach,
Soaring, diving, fishing,
Soaring, diving, fishing,
At the beach, At the beach.
Other verses:
I hear the ocean, I hear the ocean,
At the beach, At the beach,
Crashing, splashing, foaming
Crashing, splashing, foaming,
At the beach, At the beach.

I feel the breeze, I feel the breeze
At the beach, at the beach
Windy, blowing, blustry
Windy, blowing, blustry
At the beach, At the beach

Teaching Ideas:
1. Think of other things you can see, hear and feel at the beach.
2. Add actions to the words.  You can clap on "at the beach" or act out the describing words

Slippery Fish
Thumb and forefinger close and open for this small fish
Slippery fish, slippery fish
swimming in the water
A slippery fish, a slippery fish
Gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a
Hand opens and closes
Jellyfish, a jelly fish
swimming in the water
A jelly fish, a jelly fish
gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a
Both hands joined at the palm open and close
Tuna fish, a tuna fish
swimming in the water
A tuna fish, a tuna fish
gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a
Both arms joined at the elbow open and close
Great White Shark, a great white shark
swimming in the water
A great white shark, a great white shark
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an

Both arms make a big open and close
Enormous Whale, an enormous whale
Spouting in the water
Enormous Whale, enormous whale
Gulp, gulp, BURP!
Excuse ME!
Teaching Idea:
1. Before you sing see if the students can put the fishes in order from smallest to biggest
2. Act out the song with students pretending to be the fish.
Google Docs: Slippery Fish

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